This is the music that makes me happy, makes me think, makes me cry... makes me want to comissirate some...'ultra-violence'. Anyway, they are somewhat layed in order of preferance.... but not necessarily
- Human Drama
- *sigh*C'est magnifique
- Darkwave
- Where I can get Human Drama.. not bad for other goth/industrial type stuff either
- The record label of Human Drama
- pathetic, yes I know
- Memory Burn
- A johnny Indovina side project
- Norah Jones
- This women is sooo awesome
- The Voltaire Club
- A Yahoo site for a brilliant twisted performer
- Heather Nova:Official Page
- Another of those bloody brilliant women
- Hether Nova Online
- The official yet independent site
- Tori Amos
- The official site
- Little Blue World of Tori Amos
- *sigh* the Goddess
- The Church of Tori
- I don't really think i need a comment here
- A Dent in the Tori Amos Universe
- A Tori Universe...........:)
- Atlantic..
- You may need to search to find Tori here.. but it is worth it
- Jenn's Faerie Ring
- Ahhh to be a pathetic fanboy.. I love it
- Dead Can Dance
- A Comprehensive Dead Can Dance List
- 4AD
- The label of Dead Can Dance
- Drain s.t.h.
- These girls are bloody awesome
- Cleopatra catalog
- Nine Inch Nails
- Mr. Reznors Official site
- Nothing Records
- Nothing Records Official Home Page
- Unofficial Nine Inch Nails Homepage
- Enigma home page
- Enigma... again
- They Might Be Giants
- Reprises' Enya Page
- Smash Mouth
- Quickly becoming a favorite band
- Bif Naked
- Very cool Canadian chick
- AfroCelt Sound System
- Very cool..ambient Celtic/African and vice versa
- Filter
- Filter... hey man nice shot
- Lit
- Limp Bizkit
- Limp Bizkit... almost a decent group
- Powerman5000
- Rob Zombies little brother put together quite a groovy band
- Prozzak
- Prozzak... don't ask... guilty pleasure
- Type O Negative
- Type O Negative... very dark... very groovy
- Creed
- Creed... not sure if I like these guys yet....
- Korn
- Korn
- Chubawamba
- Chumbawaumba... I do love these Brits
- Kid Rock
- Kid Rock...Bawitdaba baby
- Julia Darling
- Betcha thought I'd was losing that soft side of myself
- Switchblade Symphony
- This site still may be under construction
- Godsmack
- Very heavy and cool
- Weird Al Yankovic
- Hee hee
- Dave Matthews Band
- Very very very.... cool
- Lisa Gerrard
- Half of the old great band Dead Can Dance
- Metallica
- The old and still great
- Sarah McLachlans HomePage
- The Verve Pipe
- Rammstein
- David Bowie
- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
- Cherry Poppin Daddies
- Garbage
- Lords Of Acid
- Praga Kahns Home Page
- A member of Lords of Acid
- Rob Zombie
- The Man
- Live
- Live... not bad
- Chris Cornell
- His last album is not so bad
- Alice In Chains
- Rest in peace Layne
- Live 365 Radio
- A pretty groovy online radio station
- Radikal Records
- One of my fave techno sites
- Dirty Vegas
- hey..I like techno..what can I say?
- Taliesin Orchestra
- A pretty groovy ambient type group
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