This is the music that makes me happy, makes me think, makes me cry... makes me want to comissirate some...'ultra-violence'. Anyway, they are somewhat layed in order of preferance.... but not necessarily

Human Drama
*sigh*C'est magnifique
Where I can get Human Drama.. not bad for other goth/industrial type stuff either
The record label of Human Drama
pathetic, yes I know
Memory Burn
A johnny Indovina side project
Norah Jones
This women is sooo awesome
The Voltaire Club
A Yahoo site for a brilliant twisted performer
Heather Nova:Official Page
Another of those bloody brilliant women
Hether Nova Online
The official yet independent site
Tori Amos
The official site
Little Blue World of Tori Amos
*sigh* the Goddess
The Church of Tori
I don't really think i need a comment here
A Dent in the Tori Amos Universe
A Tori Universe...........:)
You may need to search to find Tori here.. but it is worth it
Jenn's Faerie Ring
Ahhh to be a pathetic fanboy.. I love it
Dead Can Dance
A Comprehensive Dead Can Dance List
The label of Dead Can Dance
Drain s.t.h.
These girls are bloody awesome
Cleopatra catalog
Nine Inch Nails
Mr. Reznors Official site
Nothing Records
Nothing Records Official Home Page
Unofficial Nine Inch Nails Homepage
Enigma home page
Enigma... again
They Might Be Giants
Reprises' Enya Page
Smash Mouth
Quickly becoming a favorite band
Bif Naked
Very cool Canadian chick
AfroCelt Sound System
Very cool..ambient Celtic/African and vice versa
Filter... hey man nice shot
Limp Bizkit
Limp Bizkit... almost a decent group
Rob Zombies little brother put together quite a groovy band
Prozzak... don't ask... guilty pleasure
Type O Negative
Type O Negative... very dark... very groovy
Creed... not sure if I like these guys yet....
Chumbawaumba... I do love these Brits
Kid Rock
Kid Rock...Bawitdaba baby
Julia Darling
Betcha thought I'd was losing that soft side of myself
Switchblade Symphony
This site still may be under construction
Very heavy and cool
Weird Al Yankovic
Hee hee
Dave Matthews Band
Very very very.... cool
Lisa Gerrard
Half of the old great band Dead Can Dance
The old and still great
Sarah McLachlans HomePage
The Verve Pipe
David Bowie
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Cherry Poppin Daddies
Lords Of Acid
Praga Kahns Home Page
A member of Lords of Acid
Rob Zombie
The Man
Live... not bad
Chris Cornell
His last album is not so bad
Alice In Chains
Rest in peace Layne
Live 365 Radio
A pretty groovy online radio station
Radikal Records
One of my fave techno sites
Dirty Vegas
hey..I like techno..what can I say?
Taliesin Orchestra
A pretty groovy ambient type group

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