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By the by i am not original, i have various things on these pages that is not created by me, this is not a challenge to copyright, but opening venues to the world.

" I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarettes, and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness" " Well, welcome to my little home page... you will find here an exhaustive list of links that are seemingly of no order.. that is not so.. however to describe the order would also be a fruitless task... So enjoy and I warn you these pages will fade in and out of working.."

Thayders list o links

Homepages of my most talented and wonderful friends
Why these people like me I have no idea.. but hey.. might as well shove their pages down your throat as well.. and besides some of them are actually good
A list of bands and musical performer that In my little opinion are good
(ie: what that means is that you will agree that my music taste is good and wonderful or THOU SHALT FACE THE FURY WHITE MICE!)
Roleplaying Sites
On Line and Table top and Live Action and the kind where you hide in your basement after parents fall asleep and sacrifice small animals to unknown gods
Actors and Movies
Gods, demigods, and Sean Connery
Authors, books, and such
Yea we bow down before the mighty book God... show us the way of turning master....( by the way book purists, I consider comics to be literature.. if you have a problem with that... bugger off, )
Chats, searchers... ie stuff
Ex Micellana
Thayders poetry
My poetry and words